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Lego Robotics Camp (Ages 8-14)

ID : 45119   
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ClassGraphic Girls and boys will have a blast learning to build and program robots to perform various tasks. This hands-on camp turns STEM principles into child’s play with emphasis placed on basic mechanics and engineering. Students work in pairs with other students to build and complete specific tasks. Students advance at their own pace and may register repeatedly to continue learning more advanced concepts. Our robotics camps are fun, educational, and engaging programs that have a natural pathway into local and national competitions, a year-round program, as well as rewarding careers in computer science and technology. Get in early on the fun and see how far you can advance over the summer!


Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

John Muir Hall, West Campus

Community Ed Staff 



Please read:  Please read our Camp Registration, Liability, and Release Form Information before registering. You can locate it under the summer camp for kids Logo on our main page. Camp registration fee includes all consumable materials, snacks. Camp Location MJC West Campus 2201 Blue Gum Ave. Modesto, CA 95358 Drop Off & Pick Up Instructions: Directions: Take Blue Gum Avenue and make a right at the 4th street entrance (at the light) to MJC west campus. Turn right into parking lot 211 in front of the Yosemite Hall Building Summer camps will be located in the John Muir Hall Building. Students drop off and pick up will take place in front of Yosemite Hall (parking lot 211) throughout the summer. Parents/ Guardians, for child’s safety please walk child over to the staff check in. Summer camp staff will check in children and walk them over to John Muir Hall Building. Student pick up will be at parking lot 211, camp staff will walk over the children in time to be picked up. Parking permits are not required if parking in the student parking lot. Parking in the staff area will require a permit. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office 209-575-6063.



Registration Closes On
Monday, June 23, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
6/23/2025 - 6/27/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM Modesto, John Muir Hall, West Campus  Map Community Ed Staff 

Other Class Offerings

ID: 45110

06/09/25 - 06/13/25
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
5 sessions.